A little garden by the sea
That's what our people call this plot of land that is our country: um pequeno jardim à beira mar plantado.
A peaceful little place, where people are mostly gentle.
It seems we are the ninth most peaceful country in the world...
(if you want check how peaceful your country is)
This would sound a lot better if it weren't for the fact that violent crime is rising here too. If it weren't for the fact that although I'm not that old I still remember when people felt a lot safer than they do today.
Still this is a rather nice place to live in.
True we don't have color coded alerts to tell people how scared they must feel, but then again people usually don't feel frightened around these parts.
The feeling however gets a lot worst when I stop looking at my own belly button and start looking around, looking at the war thorned countries, at the countries where law and order are but a dream, where the only law is the word of those who hold the guns.
And even in countries that may seem mostly peaceful from the table, when I think of Ghana ranking 40th, my mind wonders to the slave children there...
Call me naïve if you want to, but I really believe it would be possible to build a better world where this ranking would make no sense, where all people could feel safe and where all children could play and go to school.